30 years of experience in the safety and environmental profession and currently consult in more than 30 states across the U.S.
RME has prepared hundreds of Risk Management Plans for processes that use regulated substances in their processes. RME has prepared all elements of RMP for storage, chemical formulation, and manufacturing processes across the U.S. and supported its clients in audits by EPA. RME is an expert in ammonia storage and handling, and flammable material storage and distribution processes, including the specification of all safety systems for code compliance.
RME has prepared many Process Safety Management Plans for processes that use highly hazardous chemicals in their manufacturing processes. RME has prepared all elements of PSM for storage, chemical formulation, and manufacturing processes across the U.S. and supported its clients in audits by state and federal OSHA. RME is an expert in processes the use anhydrous or aqueous ammonia in blending and manufacturing processes including the specification of all safety systems and RAGAGEP compliance.
RME has prepared hundreds of SPCC plans for clients of many different sizes and types including agricultural chemical distribution, engine re-manufacturing, and textile manufacturing. Plans prepared have included Tier 1, Tier II, and Tier III plans.
RME has prepared permit applications, exemption documentation, equipment specifications, and air permitting related studies (including air dispersion modeling, increment analysis, and risk assessment) for many different types of sources such as boilers, incinerators, cement kilns, material handling (fertilizer and grain), chemical manufacturing, oil and gas exploration, landfills, and surface coating processes. Regulatory air dispersion modeling studies have been prepared using AERMOD, CALPUFF, and OCD. Projects have been completed in California, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, across the U.S., and the Gulf of Mexico. RME has prepared comprehensive performance test plans and overseen stack testing. RME has prepared design specifications for scrubbers, absorbers, adsorbers, and regenerative thermal oxidizers.
RME has prepared process designs for water and wastewater treatment processes and NPDES permit applications. RME has prepared SWP3 plans and helped clients evaluate the applicability of different industry specific standards to their processes.
RME has prepared RCRA Part B permit applications for waste storage and combustion processes and evaluated the applicability of waste codes to different types of wastes to assess the applicability of land disposal restrictions. RME has conducted RCRA Facility Assessments and RCRA Compliance Audits for hazardous and solid waste management facilities. RME has prepared professional engineering certification of hazardous waste process closure including combustion processes and landfills.
RME technical partners have prepared CERCLA Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Studies, Sampling and Analysis Plans, and Risk Assessments. RME has conducted site assessments for property transactions and guided numerous sites through the attainment of no further action letters by state regulatory agencies. Site assessments have included soil and groundwater sampling, vapor intrusion sampling, surface water and sediment sampling, building surface sampling, and background concentration analysis as related to heavy metal contamination.
RME has prepared soil and groundwater remedial designs using various types of technologies including soil vapor extraction, thermal desorption, onsite incineration, carbon adsorption, and in-situ chemical oxidation. RME has prepared technical specifications to implement federal remedial and removal actions and state agency cleanups.
RME has prepared exposure studies for respirable dust, solvents, heavy metals and mold. RME has conducted safety and industrial hygiene audits for agricultural chemical distribution, electronics manufacturing, and other commercial and industrial facilities. RME has prepared safety training materials for textile manufacturing, grout manufacturing, bomb manufacturing, textile manufacturing, and truck manufacturing facilities, and led the training of facility employees.
RME has prepared process designs for vapor and dust collection equipment, air pollution control systems, and fertilizer blending processe