RME Safety and Environmental, LLC (RME) Health Risk Assessments (HRA) are led by RME's Sr. Engineer David A. Weeks who was the lead author of the EPA Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) for the permitting of Incinerators, Boilers, and Industrial Furnaces. HRA’s are required to be completed as part of several regulatory programs including Air Permitting, Site Assessment and Investigation, Risk Management Program, and Permitting of Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities to name a few. Strategic planning and implementation is critical to the development and design of an effective HRA. RME has performed numerous HRA projects for industrial, agriculture, property development, and other consultant clients. RME’s HRA services include:
- Development of Multi-Pathway Modeling
- Implementation of Emission Estimation Techniques using Emission Factors and Source Test Data to Estimate Air Toxics Emissions
- Community/Population exposure Assessments
- Health Risk Characterization
- Dispersion Modeling using AERMOD, SLAB, CALPUFF, SCREEN3
- Application of State Health Screening Tools